Here are some of my favorite links.
Here you will find links to some of my favorite websites. Most are about DBZ but some are on other subjects. Since I have 2 more link spaces, I will allow people to put a link to their site on this page. If you would like me to put a link to your site on this page, E-mail me a link to your site. If I like it, I will link it to this page.
FreeServers.comThis is where I made this website.
HomesteadI made another website here.
AngelfireI made my first website here.
DBZell's DBZ PageThis is my Homestead website.
DBZell's DBZ PageThis is my Angelfire website.
Gundam WingHere's a really good Gundam Wing website. It has a character page that names every main character and their gundam name.
DBZ Lounge If you paid attention on the main page you know that I'm in a club making a page for them. This is that page. I had some help in the picture department.